Hormone Replacement Therapy
For Men & Women
Protect yourself from the inside out.
AVISTA is proud to provide bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men as a natural addition to our medical and weight loss centers.
Every day patients express interest in knowing more about HRT and TRT and how therapy may improve their health. Maybe it’s from advertising or natural curiosity. Still, one thing is for sure; mainstream medicine is entering an exciting new era that focuses on preventing health problems associated with aging. Possibly the most essential preventive therapies in this new generation of care are identifying patients with hormonal imbalances and then supplementing them with bioidentical hormones to optimal physiologic levels.
Whether you have adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, PMS, testosterone deficiency, thyroid issues, are in andropause, menopause or perimenopause, be assured your treatment plan will be based on cutting edge protocols tailored specifically for you.
FREE OFFER for men over the age of 35. Receive one LOW-T Test every 12 months.
Why Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Our goal is to make you look and feel your very best. Proper hormone levels, routine monitoring, adjustments, diet, and exercise go a long way in helping you get your life back and feeling the way you used to feel. AMC’s medical-grade bio-hormones can help the body prevent or reverse many age-related issues. Welcome to the future of modern medicine.
Bio-Identical Vs. Synthetic Hormones
Natural, biologically-identical hormones like the ones used at AMC are derived from plants, such as the wild yam or soybean plant. They are chemically and functionally identical to human hormones. These natural hormones safely produce the same physiologic responses and are processed by the body in the same way as endogenous hormones (those made by the body). Synthetic (non-bioidentical) hormones are manufactured with a chemical structure different from the human body’s. Only biologically-identical hormones are available at AMC.
As the body struggles to metabolize these human-made foreign substances, toxic by-products can be produced along with possible side effects like bloating, mood swings, and water retention. More severe side effects include cancer and heart disease. Synthetic hormones have been shown to produce harm and side effects that are not seen with bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones are not available at AMC.
At AMC, we use a customized approach to hormone replacement therapy for women. First, we assess each patient’s hormonal status using their medical history, symptoms, and lab work. We then implement a protocol individually tailored for that particular person. Therapy is then carefully monitored, and if necessary, modified or titrated following clinical and laboratory results.
Common Symptoms
Perimenopause Symptoms
Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons
Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
Breast tenderness
Crashing fatigue
Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion
Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom
Food Cravings
Hot flashes, hot flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling
Inability to think clearly
Increase in allergies
Increase in muscles tension
Irregular heartbeat
Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles
Irritable or Moody, sudden tears
Loss of Libido
Memory lapse
Sudden bouts of bloating
Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
Unexplained Weight Gain
Menopause Symptoms
Breast Tenderness
Hair Growth or Hair Loss
Heart Flutter
Irritable or Moody
Joint Inflammation
Loss of Libido
PMS, Hot Flashes, or Sweating During Sleep
Skin or Vaginal Dryness
Trouble sleeping through the night
Unpredictable Periods
Why do I need hormones?
Hormones are an essential part of the metabolic process of living and important for the cells, organs, and metabolism. Hormones decline through aging, disease, menopause, or trauma. When this happens, we begin to accelerated the aging process. Hormone loss is one of the major reasons for our deterioration as we get older, both physically and mentally. Hormones are beneficial at any age, but the best long-term protective benefits are achieved if hormones are replaced when you begin to lose them, usually in our 40’s.
How are bio-identical hormones produced?
Natural hormones that are identical to human hormones are found in soy. The hormones are extracted from soy and then processed by a specialty compounding pharmacy into a prescription dose and form. The body accepts and metabolizes these hormones as if it made them.
What are synthetic hormones?
Synthetic estrogen (Premarin) and progestins (Provera) are produced in a laboratory and patented by the pharmaceutical companies. They are not identical to human hormones. They are designed to trick the body as natural hormones. Because synthetic hormones are not identical to human hormones, they may adversely stimulate the cells and lead to side effects, including cancer. Premarin is an estrogen obtained from pregnant horses and is not human identical. Provera is a progestin. Both have been implicated in causing problems in some women, including breast cancer. AMC does not offer synthetic hormones.
What are the problems with synthetic hormones?
At first, synthetic hormones were well received because they provided some control for symptoms of menopause and fighting heart disease and osteoporosis. However, long-term effects have shown that synthetic hormones sometimes create a negative metabolic result. While some women may tolerate the side effects from synthetic hormones such as bleeding, bloating, or mood swings. In other patients, synthetic estrogens and progestins have contributed to the development of breast and uterine cancer.
How come my gynecologist doesn’t prescribe bio-identical hormones?
Many physicians learn about synthetic products from drug companies promoting their line of products. Natural supplements such as vitamins and hormones are protected by federal regulation and may not be patented by pharmaceutical companies. Bio-identical hormones do not come under specific brand names. Your physician must be self-educated and experienced in prescribing and monitoring natural hormones. The truth is your gynecologist probably just doesn’t know much about natural hormones or chooses to prescribe within the constraints of your health insurance plan.
What is low Progesterone and how does it effect my health?
Progesterone balances estrogen and the female reproductive cycle. Low progesterone results in symptoms of bloating, breast tenderness, cramping, headaches, irritability, mood swings, and PMS. Progesterone deficiency can be a factor in miscarriages.
Research shows that natural progesterone stimulates bone-building osteoblasts, thus providing protection against osteoporosis. Progesterone reduces the mitotic change in breast and uterine tissue, thereby protecting against cancer. Progesterone is necessary for adequate sexual response, lubrication and vaginal vasodilation. Progesterone is responsible for the physiologic equilibrium with estrogen. At menopause, women lose both estrogen and progesterone and both should be replaced. Progesterone replacement is important, even if you have had a hysterectomy because it does much more than just protect the uterus.
Source: Neil Rousier, MD, 2015
Testosterone is a molecular hormone that travels through your bloodstream, and it does a lot more than just improving the male sex drive. Testosterone effects the health of many organs and tissues in your body, including your brain, muscles, fat, bones and sexual organs.
Testosterone and your brain
Your thinking abilities and general sense of well-being, including your mood, energy level and sense of vitality, and sexual drive or libido are all affected by testosterone.
Testosterone and your muscle
Testosterone creates muscle cells and causes them to grow in size and strength.
Testosterone and your fat
Testosterone has been shown to reduce body fat, particularly in the midsection and chest. The result is an improvement in lean body mass.
Testosterone and your bones
Testosterone helps prevent the normal bone destruction of aging and actually improves bone density. This reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
Testosterone and your heart
Testosterone can influence cardiovascular risk factors indirectly through its effect on the amount of fat in your body, and there is evidence it benefits the heart directly. It may help open the coronary arteries, and possibly improve cardiac function in people with heart disease and heart failure.
Testosterone and your sex drive
Low testosterone can reduce your ability to have satisfying sex. Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can result from low testosterone. If low testosterone is the cause, treating it can help.
Low Testosterone Symptoms
Because testosterone affects so many organs and tissues, low levels are associated with many signs and symptoms throughout the body.
Symptoms you may experience but cannot be adequately measured include:
Anxiety or increased pessimism
Decreased desire or pleasure in sex (low libido)
Decreased sexual performance
Decreased erection strength
Difficulty concentrating, lack of focus, forgetfulness and loss of memory
Feeling that you have lost your edge or passed your peak
Increased fatigue, low energy or diminished sense of well-being
Insomnia or poor sleep
Irritability or unexplained negative mood
Joint pain
Loss of motivation
None of these signs or symptoms are specific to testosterone deficiency and many are hard to differentiate from normal aging. AVISTA’s role is to evaluate any signs or symptoms of low testosterone, and then to see how they correlate with your hormone levels.
Benefits from Testosterone Therapy
Increase in bone density
Increase in energy
Increase in lean body mass
Increase in muscle strength
Lower body fat
Lower risk of anemia
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
Lower risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity
Lower risk of osteoporosis
Increase in libido
Increase in erection satisfaction
Increase in sexual activity
Increase in sexual enjoyment
Improvement in mood and sense of well being
Improvement in cognition and memory function
Testosterone is administered through 1 of 2 methods, depending on the patient’s needs: intramuscular injections or transdermal applications.
Intramuscular Injections
Testosterone is given by injection once every 7 to 14 days. Dosing is dependent on age, testing results and symptoms. The testosterone injections AVISTA prescribes come from FDA-Approved manufacturers. Testosterone injections are given at AMC or you can self-inject at home.
Transdermal Application
Testosterone gel or cream is applied to the skin on a daily basis. Within a few doses, the concentration of testosterone in the blood goes up.
Your testosterone blood test and consultation are free at AMC. If your test results indicate you have Low-T, and your consultation indicates you’re a good candidate for TRT, we will have you complete an extensive testing panel and an in-depth consultation with our provider about your course of treatment. The cost of this visit is included in our monthly cost.
Your insurance plan may cover some or all of your replacement therapy. We will be happy to assist you in determining if your insurance company provides coverage.

Mo-Tu-Fr: 7am - 4pm
We-Th: 9am - 6pm